Strengthen, Retain and Grow your Business in Indiana with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC)

Collaborate for Success. Retain and Grow. Empower Your Future.

At the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, we are committed to being a collaborative partner in your business journey. The Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) team is on a mission to help businesses strengthen their operations in Indiana, ensuring a sustainable future. By working closely with local and regional economic development organizations (EDOs) and leveraging a vast network of educational and business resources, we provide the tools and connections needed for success. The focus of the BR&E Team is based on the letters “R” and “E.” This specific team within the IEDC has a mission to work with existing businesses in Indiana as they look to strengthen their operations, grow their businesses, and continue to thrive. Once a company decides to locate in Indiana, the BR&E team stays with your company as you encounter challenges and opportunities.

 Resources for Business Expansion

Financial Incentives and Grants

Our team is committed to fostering innovation and long-term growth through our financial incentives and grants. Our innovative programs, including tax credits, grants, and low-interest loans, are designed to reduce costs and support your business’s investment potential. By partnering with IEDC, businesses can lower operational costs and channel savings into innovative growth opportunities. Our financial incentives are crafted to meet the needs of your business, ensuring financial excellence and a prosperous future in Indiana’s dynamic economy.

Team Approach for Retention Solutions

We achieve business retention and growth through unified partnerships and resource integration. Our Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) program collaborates with local economic development organizations and resource partners across Indiana to offer support tailored to your business needs. By uniting industry experts, educational institutions, and community leaders, we create solutions that retain jobs, strengthen and grow businesses, and enhance Indiana's economic landscape. Partnering with IEDC connects you to a network that ensures a resilient and thriving business environment.

Permitting and Regulatory Assistance

Ensuring your business complies with regulatory requirements is essential for smooth operations. Our collaborative approach with local authorities and regulatory bodies helps streamline approvals and resolve potential issues efficiently. By providing tailored assistance, we enable businesses to achieve their goals with confidence, reducing the time and resources spent on regulatory compliance.

Partner with Local Economic Development Organizations

How to get Started

To strengthen, retain, and grow your business in Indiana, start by contacting us. Our team will work with you to discuss your business vision and identify available resources to support your growth. We collaborate with your local Economic Development Organization (EDO) and other stakeholders to provide tailored solutions for your specific needs. Your local EDO offers valuable insights into local resources, regulations, and growth opportunities, enhancing the support from IEDC. Together, we leverage financial, regulatory, and operational resources to empower your business with the tools and guidance needed for sustainable growth and success in Indiana.

Linda Walczak

For more information, contact:

Linda Walczak

Vice President, Business
Retention and Expansion

Linda initiated the BR&E
program in 2014.

  1. Contact IEDC: Initiate a conversation with our team to discuss your business vision and uncover the resources that can empower your growth journey.
  2. Connect with Your Local EDO: Work with your local EDO to benefit from their expertise and receive personalized guidance for successful business retention and expansion.
  3. Access Resources: Leverage the financial, regulatory, and strategic support from IEDC and your local EDO to enhance your business capabilities in Indiana.
How IEDC Supports Local and Regional Economic Development Organizations

Recognizing that our state-wide, regional, and local economic development partners are at the forefront of business retention and expansion (BR&E), we aim to enhance their efforts by offering tailored research and strategic guidance. Our collaboration with the Indiana Economic Development Association (IEDA), the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership(CICP) and other educational and training partners ensures a comprehensive approach to addressing industry trends and supply chain needs. By fostering a network of support, we empower EDOs to drive growth and success in their communities. Together, we build a resilient economic landscape in Indiana, where collaboration and collective success are key.

Custom Connections

Strategic Alliances for Empowerment

We forge strategic alliances that connect local Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) with specialized professionals and resources. Our goal is to provide EDOs with the expertise and solutions needed to empower their communities and achieve sustainable growth. By facilitating these custom connections, we enable communities to utilize diverse strengths and create a thriving economic environment. IEDC's collaborative approach ensures that each community can access the support it needs to reach its full potential.

Lunch and Learns

Empowering Learning Opportunities

Our Lunch and Learn sessions offer empowering opportunities for local community stakeholders and businesses to engage with industry experts. These events deliver practical insights and innovative strategies, keeping EDOs informed and prepared for the evolving market landscape. By providing the tools and knowledge necessary for success, IEDC empowers EDOs to lead with confidence and creativity. Our focus on empowerment and innovation ensures that EDOs can effectively support their communities and contribute to Indiana's economic vitality.

Assistance with Business Expansion Visits

Comprehensive Support for BR&E Visits

We provide comprehensive support for Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) visits in collaboration with community stakeholders. Our approach includes thorough research, precise scheduling, and prompt follow-up actions. BR&E visits feature immersive tours and expert discussions that aim to understand business challenges and identify areas for growth. IEDC's commitment to follow-ups within 48 hours ensures businesses receive proactive support, strengthening relationships and fostering long-term economic resilience.

Best Practices

Cooperative BR&E Practices for Job Retention

Our team is committed to fostering a cooperative partnership with our state-wide, regional, and local economic development partners by sharing best practices in Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E). Our collaborative approach provides EDOs with the resources, tools, and strategies needed to effectively retain jobs and support business growth in their communities. By working together to address common challenges, we empower EDOs to create a positive community impact and ensure economic stability. This cooperative effort is vital in maintaining a robust job market and thriving business environment across Indiana.

Trusted Advisors and Connectors with a Dual Mission

Strategic Support and Growth Partnerships

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Work with local and regional economic development organizations to support businesses in adapting and growing and retaining jobs through access to essential resources.

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Optimize their success by providing best practices and tools that encourage innovation and sustainable growth.

A Regional Approach to Collaboration
Frequently asked questions

The initial BR&E visit is a confidential sixty or ninety-minute meeting scheduled at a time and place convenient for the participating business. Many visits take place at the participating business to allow for a facility tour. During this meeting, company leadership will meet with a specially selected BR&E team. This team may include:

  • Local and state economic development representatives
  • Workforce development experts
  • Higher education representatives
  • Utilities and/or other key partners

This meeting is a listening session allowing the BR&E team to learn about challenges, processes, potential for growth, what has been working well for the business—and what has not—all of which help us meet business needs most effectively. The meeting is also an opportunity to connect the company with relevant BR&E team members. Most importantly, it lays the foundation for a trusted long-term relationship and partnership.

The BR&E team representative will send a follow-up email within 48 hours. However, there is no “gatekeeping.” Company members may reach out directly to any of the BR&E partner organizations.

Our collaborative approach brings a powerful level of partnership to the table. We cut through state and local red tape to bring workable solutions to the company, on their turf.

These local and regional events bring in outside industry experts to share insights with members of the local business community.

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